Morgantown, WV

This 40′ deep by 60′ long work horse is built to perform. The 16′ ceiling height is more than enough to accommodate the 12′ high overhead door. The owner wanted more height under his rear lean to roof though and that’s what he got! That lean to is 12′ wide and allows for something to be put “under cover”, but not in an enclosed space. The front lean to is also 12′ wide, but only 20′ in length and serves more as an entranceway. It’s a unique and cool design for sure. The interior has a White Metal Ceiling with R-38 blown insulation above.
If you have building needs for your business and are tired of leasing or paying rent – give us a call ! If you’re in Western PA, Western MD or West Virginia – call Mark Rose at 1-800-275-8245.
Project # 023FWMR23