Georgetown, DE

Georgetown, DE Primary Image Click on the above image to view it in its full size.

Here’s a bright, bold, beautiful 30′ wide by 52′ long post and frame building.  With 16′ of ceiling height, there’s plenty of room to accommodate the showpiece 16′ x 14′ steel insulated overhead door.  Behind the scenes this building has a Radiant Insulation Barrier installed under the roof and wall steel.  This will knock the chill off in the winter months and keep any condensation from taking place in the building.  The Below Eave lean to extends out 10′ from the building and runs for 30′ in length.  The posts are wrapped in white vinyl sleeves to match the white metal ceiling installed under the lean to roof.


Project# 035FSTW23

Project Type: Hobby Style, Garage, Work Shop
Year Built:2024

Project Size:30' x 52' x 16' w/ 10' x 30' x 8' Lean To
Project Square Feet:1560

Roof Color:Brilliant White
Siding Color:Gray w/ Gallery Blue Wainscoting
Trim Color:Brilliant White
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