West Newton, PA

West Newton, PA Primary Image Click on the above image to view it in its full size.

This is a 30′ wide by 40′ long building with 14′ interior ceiling height.  The garage doors are 10′ wide and 12′ high.  There’s a 12″ overhang on all 4 sides of the roof.  The roof also has 2 Rows of Snow Guards on each eave to protect the 5″ Seamless gutters from heavy snow or ice.  The interior has a white metal ceiling installed with R-38 blown insulation in above it.  We always install an access door in the ceiling 😉  Cool colors!  Cool building !



Project # 005FWMR23

Project Type: Garage, Hobby Style
Year Built:2023

Project Size:30' x 40' x 14'
Project Square Feet:1200

Roof Color:Patina green
Siding Color:Beige
Trim Color:Patina Green
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